My Trading Rules

Note: I’m still working on these – adjusting the order and adding new ones as I discover them.

Whenever I feel I don’t have a handle on my trading I reread these to find areas I might be violating.  If I don’t find any rules I’m not adhering to, I try to find the causes elsewhere.  Maybe there is a new rule I should define.

  1. Capital preservation is job #1.  Never lose more than 3% of my account value in one trade.
  2. Price is King.  Never chase a stock.  Never force a trade.  There are plenty of possible trades out there.  It is not a sin to sit out until conditions improve.   Cash is a viable strategy.
  3. Trading is a business.  It must make money.  It is not a toy or a hobby.
  4. I will not “try” to trade I will “do.”  If I can only try, I won’t do it.
  5. There is NEVER a reason to be short naked Calls.  Being short naked calls is a great way to lose a lot of money very, very quickly.
  6. I repeat, there is NO reason to be short naked Calls.
  7. Minimum ROI for credit spreads is 25%
  8. Don’t be afraid to hold short Iron Condors, short Straddles to expiration day if the stock is close to center of the position.
  9. Cover short positions at least 4 days prior to expiration.  The exception is if the position is close to the max loss or if #8 applies.
  10. Always know the total amount of risk in the account at all times.   D0 not exceed total 30% risk to the account with options in any given month.
  11. Learn from mistakes and bad trades but don’t dwell on them beating myself up.   Let it go.
  12. Be very afraid when I feel invincible – like if I should feel every trade I touch is golden.  Make smaller trades when I feel this way because the market will humble me eventually.
  13. Be confident when I am feeling cautious.  I make fewer mistakes during these times because I’m more focused and think more.
  14. Define my exit BEFORE I place the trade.
  15. Always use Stop losses when appropriate.  I never know when I will need to get out of a position but am not able to trade.  Let the computers get me out in those cases.
  16. Know myself.   Know my weaknesses.  Don’t trade over my head.
  17. Never double down on losing trades.   Doubling down is not the same as trading around a core position.  If I didn’t enter the trade intending to trade around a core position, don’t start when the trade moves against me.  It’s better to close it than to risk losing more money.
  18. Violating any of these rules will lose me money.  Don’t do it.
  19. Don’t give too much credence to what the pundits on TV say to do.  I have a brain and I will think for myself.  It is ok to take ideas from others so long as I do my own homework before trading the idea.
  20. Don’t trade in the first 15 minutes of the market open.  The Bids/Asks are too wide and the market makers need that time to get a feel for the market.  Exception is if I enter a limit order the night before.

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